Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Oso Pardo, Oso Pardo, Qué ves ahí?

In my Kindergarten class in Nashville, my first unit is the Bill Martin, Jr. book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?  This teaches my students colors and animals quickly while only speaking Spanish.  Then they have learned vocabulary, but have also memorized a whole book and can produce something at home for their parents.  Finally, in unit three, we're discussing colors.  I will not have the luxury of time to create a whole book with these kids, but I did read it to them during our whole 50 minute class today.  We reviewed color words, I read the book slowly so they could learn the animal words and motions to go with them, we listened to it on CD and I read it again for them to help read along.  It was GREAT!  I have had a really good three days this week.  I wonder what it is, but I'm trying not to question it too much.

We have been discussing the plans for December festivities.  It seems there won't be too much class in December either.  I have three weeks of class in December, but the last week will be a complete wash with Posadas, productions and the like.  

Tuesday morning at 8am, I will have an "Open Class" for parents to come and see what English class is like.  It should be interesting.

Today was another day where we had recreo start early so we could have a faculty meeting (to discuss our December festivities!).  That was a wash for one of my classes.

I'm still frustrated with the internet, but I'm dealing.

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