Sunday, December 7, 2008


I got home around 2ish, I suppose, on Friday and wasn't too sure about the cumpleaños for Cosette's classmate.  I knew Mabel had to work until 3:40 and then would have to pick Cosette up.  I assumed she would want to shower (Cosette always showers after school before playing with her friends), so I gathered I would have a couple of hours.  I fiddled, I bought some air time for my cell phone, and I read some.  
They came home in a rush and followed my preconceived plan.  We all left around 5:30.  
Birthdays in Mexico are a big deal, especially as a child.  I suppose birthdays are always big to a child, but their definition of big may differ.
Birthdays in my house were always fun, but I wouldn't say they were big in comparison to what I've seen go on down here.  It's almost unacceptable to have a birthday party at home.  Salones de Fiesta (party rooms) are very popular here.  You rent the space and often the entertainment that come with that particular room.  You rent a karaoke machine, an inflatable, carnival like games and a photographer.  The table decorations are unbelievable.  (We went to a Cars themed birthday party a few weeks ago and the table decorations were "Wighting Aqueen" lamps!)  The guests (every classmate plus every friend ever spoken to since birth) all get candy bags that rival a Halloween pumpkin!  The birthday boy or girl chooses a theme and dresses the part.
This was a Hannah Montana party.  The girl was turning 7 and was a tiny thing.  She had on a costume that even covered her shoes (in order to look like boots).  She had the wig.  She even had the attitude!  She was very cute, all 3 feet of her.  Her mom actually looked like Hannah Montana, with long blonde hair and tall boots.  She was on her feet the whole time we were there (and before we arrived and after we left) making sure all the guests (parents) were well tended to.  She would have the servers bring more food or drinks to the tables, etc.  The kids, of course, needed no tending to.  They bounced, twirled, danced, sang, ate, and played without any concern for parents.  
The moms (mostly) chatted and grazed.
At one point, they were playing the Mexican (or I supposed better said Spanish) version of Locomotion and I got s little fuzzy feeling.  I can remember jumping on the Old Bedroom bed often with Bridget (my cousin, 2 years older), but mostly it was to the Footloose record.  However, I distinctly remember my 3rd grade slumber party for my birthday party.  I don't remember what we did first, but at one point in the night (it seemed so late!), we made our way to the Old Bedroom and sang our little hearts out (all of the birthday crew, but I feel like Bridget and I were the stars) while jumping on the bed to Locomotion by Kylie Minogue.  That led to months of fighting over whose name would be "Kylie" when we were playing at Grandmother's.  Isn't it funny the details you remember.  Anyway, the song struck me in more than one way.  I was happy to be thinking of her this week especially.  Her other grandmother (the one we don't share) passed away this week and I felt so far away.  Bridget has amazing closeness with most of her family members.  But the relationship she has with my Grandmother and with "Mom" (her other grandmother) is just almost enviable.  It made me so happy and sad at the same time to be thinking about her at such a difficult time for her.

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