Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I had two class interruptions today.  The first came during second grade (before they decided to go ape on me).  It was before recreo.  I had been looking for Prof. Roberto during my free time (since the assessors were there) to discuss his thoughts on the Open Class.  He has intentionally stayed hands off, I think to show that he respects my teaching and to not make me nervous.  This was his first time to see me teach.
Afterwards, I was interested in his thoughts.  I felt good about it, so I didn't really necessarily need positive feedback (but it never hurts, right?), but I was truly interested in his impressions having never (I was certain) seen a class like that.  He was nowhere to be found, so I asked a few teachers who said he had left for a bit.  Who knows why.  
In the middle of 2nd grade, Hernán came in and asked me how to say "the principal needs to see you."  I told him, repeated it slowly, wrote it on the board, and then asked if that were true.
It was, so I gave them some work to do (enter "unsupervision" here, probably leading to lunacy).  I went to the office and Prof Roberto says, "You were looking for me?"
I realized this was not urgent and totally could've waited until recreo.  Oh, well.
So, I asked him what he thought about class and he said it was very good.  He was sorry more moms hadn't come but that I did a good job and the kids seemed to be understanding and listening and participating.  He was pleased.
I was pleased.
In my third grade class, my right cheek was vibrating, so I pulled my celular out of my back pocket and answered.  It was Maribel calling to tell me she had a gift for me.
I had requested my reimbursement check (for my round trip flight down here and my round trip flight to DF- near $1500 US) months ago assuming I would get it in my hand in DF.  Ha!  Think again, Laura.  When will I learn?!
On Friday, the DF office had emailed me asking for an address.  I gave them the English in Elementary address since people would be there from 9-5 (more or less).  I didn't have the zip code, so I had to email Maribel, and she didn't respond until Saturday.  I emailed the office, fully expecting to get my check after the holidays.  I still think it might only be part of what they owe me, but we shall see.
Maribel is going to bring it with her to school the next time she comes (which could be as soon as Friday).
I hung up the phone and the kids started dying laughing and I asked what had happened.  Had my pants split?  Did I sit in something?  
In Nashville, when I speak in Spanish on the phone (or even just to Megan) in front of the kids, they get a big kick out of it.  But these kids were laughing way too hard for it to be just amusement at hearing fast English.
They all mimicked me.  When Mabel had told me about the check, I had shrieked.  (Brothers: make fun of me to yourself here, no need to post about any typical Laura shrieks of the past.)  They had a good time imitating me, and I had a good time being made fun of.  I really am starting to like them instead of just being okay with the fact that I have to teach them for the next 50 minutes!

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