Sunday, June 28, 2009

Andas de vaga

Vaga is a word used here for free-spirit or traveler.  I'm always called vaga because I'm always off to some new place.  But you can be vaga even in your own city.  For example, when I got back from Mazatlán on Tuesday afternoon, I unpacked and napped for about 30 minutes before yoga.  After yoga, I was picked up to go see Transformers 2.  That- the constant moving and never being at home- is vaga.  The movie was pretty good.  Oddly enough, I had really enjoyed the first one.  This one seemed funnier.  The action was a bit too action packed for my taste, but it was good.
Wednesday I was too tired from the weekend of vacation!  But really, I had gotten up at 6 on Tuesday to go with dad to the airport and hadn't been able to sleep after that.  Not even on my bus ride home.  So Wednesday I slept the day away.  Shania had texted me on Wednesday night asking me if I wanted to go to a birthday party at a pool with her on Thursday at 1.  Since I had slept until 1:15, I texted her saying I had gotten up with a headache and would have liked to have gone, but slept until then.  I should've known 1 was not 1.  She texted me back saying she was still going at 2:30 if I wanted to go.  I did.
I texted her saying yes and she said to be ready at 2:45.  You see how quickly time changes!  At 3, she was yelling my name form the sidewalk and down I went.  Manuel was our driver (Shania is car-less until she buys one in August) and we made our way to a wholesale club to meet up with another car and Alma.  I hadn't realized she was going.  Of course, she works at 4 in the afternoon, so she couldn't stay long.  It was very overcast and surprisingly cool for Culiacán (A noted difference from when I had arrived on the bus from Mazatlán.  It's amazing how a week away makes you forget the awful suffocating heat of Culiacán.  I noticed it as I began to get get off the bus!), so I didn't swim.  The pool was nothing to write home about and no one was swimming besides kids anyway.  I prefer sun and sweat before I swim.  While we waited for the sun and heat, they fired up the grill and we had an incredible carne asada.  It was delicious!  Oh how I will miss the food!  Quesadillas, tacos, and cake.  All washed down with a coca light.  You'll hear no complaints from this girl.  At 7, we were still there as Alma was heading back to town from work.  She texted to see if she should come and I said yes.  Her English Office friends were going to go see State and Play (?) at 8:30.  Did I want to go?  Of course!  I actually had seen the signs for it at the theater when we saw Transformers 2, and had wanted to see it.  So I was excited.
The whole birthday party came to a close at 8 and off we went to the movies, "American style," as Alma said before she realized that could be offensive.  Good thing I'm not sensitive.  I was in shorts and a plain shirt, flip flops and no makeup.  That is American style.  Culichi style would be heels, jeans, and flashy top, full makeup and a serious 'do.
We laughed about that.
That movie was also good.  I liked it because the plot was similar to those of the books I'd read at the beach.  It had felt so good to read, read, read for pleasure.  Most of my reading happens on my computer these days, which not only hurts my eyes, but limits my material.  
We got home from the movies around 1.  Unfortunately, I had a full day ahead of me on Thursday.

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