Monday, January 19, 2009

The traveling party.

Demien shows up at 10.  Just about on the dot.  We pile into his truck (the seats) and as he's walking around to his side, Mabel whispers, "We'll see what happens tonight."  We drove to a hamburger place and he ate alone.  Mabel got a jamaica drink, but that's it.  When his food came, there were french fries and onion rings.  She "helped" him with those and told him that he was the reason she had gained weight this winter.  I thought that was funny.
It's 10:30 as we're leaving the hamburger place and I'm glad since we'll still be some of the first to arrive.  We pass by the house and I feel guilty that we're coming empty handed, so I ask them if they want to go pick something up.
We head to the Oxxo where I get my coca light, but the drinks don't suit the there.  We go to a beer stand.  They're all over.  I'll take a picture at some point.  It's almost like a drive-in ticket booth or something.  I don't know why I think that.  Anyway the place was crazy because it was 10:40, and at 11, the prices go up on all alcohol.
We get to the party, say our hellos and have a seat.  The three people I know are Marco the host, Iván the birthday boy, and Quinantzin, a girl I met when I went out with Alma when Mabel was in Tucson Thanksgiving weekend.  Mabel, Demien and I kept to ourselves for the first 20 minutes probably.  After drinks started flowing, we intermeshed a little more.  
All of a sudden, around midnight, Mabel says, "Let's go!"  I'm confused, but clearly dependent.  We say our goodbyes and that we'll be back.  We're headed to a club.  Mabel was bored I think, and also tired of waiting for Alma.
The three of us take off to the other side of town, near where we live.  Demien's brother works at the club, so we get in free.  Mabel and I trod off to the bathroom, but I refuse.  I don't love club bathrooms in general.  This one was pretty bad.  She waits in line about 20 minutes.  We meet back up with Demien who has a bucket of beers.  I get a text from Alma saying she's arrived at the party and where am I?  I explain the situation to her but tell her we'll be coming back.  Approaching 2, when the club closes, I text Alma asking her if she's still there.  At this point, I've been the third wheel on the drinking bike as well as the dancing bike.  I'm ready to see Alma, or hit the bed.  Remember, that on Sunday I had to be up, pretty, and happy at 10:30 for mass with Maribel.  Alma says that one of the friends they were with wasn't feeling well, so they took her home and were on their way to their third party of the night.  Did I want to go?  Thanks but no thanks Alma.  The three of us went home.  It was not the night I had planned.  And it was not my favorite night while being in Culiacán.  But it's over.

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