Saturday, January 10, 2009

Go Titans, Go Titans!

Well, I couldn't be much more disappointed that they lost.  I should've known better than to watch the game.  Bad luck I guess since they had such a winning season with me "watching" via updates (who AM I?!) and listening to the red zone commentary (it's free- and who's proud that I know what the red zone is?!).  Patrick would totally blame it on me.

So I asked Mabel last night if there were a place we could watch the game.  Cosette was with her dad and grandparents.  She suggested a casino, but that we'd have to bet.  Um, yeah right I'm paying to watch a football game (not that much has changed!)!  I figured they'd let me get away with buying a coca light or something.  I also heard from some of my Culiacán facebook buddies and they had suggested a casino, too.

The game would show here at 2:30, so I assumed we would leave early to go do laundry and eat lunch beforehand.  Not so.  We were both finally up and at em (though we were both awake long before this) by 10.  We both were moving slowly, so we didn't get finished cleaning until around noon.  We've usually started the first load by then.  I was having a hard time envisioning how our day would go.  We both got showers and were on our way by one...

We started the laundry in the empty house and debated what to do for lunch.  Mabel thought the food at the casino would be super expensive, and I agreed.  She asked me what I wanted and I honestly could've eaten anything.  I suggested salads, tamales, or sushi.  We went with tamales, and I was NOT disappointed.  I tried the cheese one and went with the ol' faithful elote (corn).  I was STUFFED!  But a super-happy camper!

We arrived at the casino about 30 minutes late but still got to see quite a bit of the first quarter.  We didn't have to pay to enter, and we didn't have to bet.  We kept waiting for an alarm to go off or a spotlight to call us out!  

We were the only females there.  In days gone by, I think this would've been a drug-lords-only kind of place.  But now that the government is trying to get the drugs under control (good luck), they're having to be less showy.  Apparently in the past year, the underground drug stuff has gone much farther underground.  They don't want to draw attention to themselves (so they say in newspaper articles written in the US).

I was the only Titans fan in the place.  Those who bet had put their money on the Ravens.  And rightfully so, it turns out.  I'm sad they lost.  Really sad.  Especially since I'm guessing we'll lose half of my favorite pair next year (Haynesworth), not to mention Jim Schwartz is interviewing around again.  I think I've said it before, but I will truly be sad when the reason I started paying attention to the Titans leaves them.  But I guess it would be cool to have two teams to follow.  I just hope he doesn't go to Detroit!  

Anyway, I can't hate on my boys.  I'm glad they had a good season that kept me entertain outside US borders.  Maybe next year (if we keep our key players and Jim)...

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