Monday, January 12, 2009

Pareces más alta....

Last week, I had my first group of 6th graders on Thursday- two days after arrival.  I was in the middle of telling them how fast we'd have to move this semester when I hear, "Se ve más alta. (You look taller.)"  I laughed because it was so random.  Then I pointed to my tall shoes (the new pair I bought about a week before leaving Culiacán for Christmas and wore only once that last week of school) and got on with my lesson.
Someone else mentioned it in passing and I don't remember the situation.  Now, today while on my way out of third grade to 6th grade, Ulises, the 3rd grade teacher said, "Teacher, pareces más alta. (You seem taller.)"  I laughed.  I guess my jeans covered up the shoes.  I had literally worn my black Born flip flops every single school day.  Well, I would guess that I wore my blue Hawaiian print flip flops once or twice when a navy outfit beckoned.  But I lived in the black ones.  Shania told me in DC that it was a sin to wear flats in Culiacán.  Who knew the change would make such a difference?!

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