Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nice 'stache dude

So this morning, on the ride to school, there was an assistant to the bus driver.  At first, I noticed that the same voice seemed to be signaling the bus driver to stop (if you need to get off you say baja or bajar).  I thought that was strange.  People here are typically helpful (I've mentioned how bus seats are often given up for the elderly or women), but not usually more than once.  Since this guy kept on, I figured something was up.  Later in the (very bumpy) ride, he ended up moving closer to the front and chatting with the driver (It never fails; I cannot understand a WORD from bus drivers or their friends.  Maybe that's my goal before I leave...).  Later he ended up getting off the bus to get water for the bus.  Apparently we were having issues.  But that is not the point of this entry.  The guy had a major 'stache.  I mean, serious.  I enjoy some facial hair.  My preference, however, is a goatee or a full beard.  It is rare (slash never) that I like a mustache.
This mustache had some serious thought and grooming.  It was thick.  Think in density, not in surface area.  It looked like the guy had shaved the top half of it.  So it was this dense, yet thin line.  Hard to describe, I am now realizing.  Some of my girls in Nashville are gagging right now.  I know how you are about facial hair.  This one was one for the books!

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