Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Updating a blog after two normal weeks is a daunting task.  However, updating a blog after two weeks of a spring break that includes a beach trip, a trip to a city, a backpacking adventure and an international flight is just ridiculous.  I'm not looking forward to it.
I'll just give you a bit from today to stay up to date.  Hopefully (if I commit to about four hours a day!), I'll be caught up this weekend.
I got up this morning, very tired from all the travel.  I got to my corner to wait for Guille, my ride.  I had a message on Monday from Sandra.  She was worried about me.  I had told Guille not to pick me up until Tuesday, that I would be returning from the US.  I got all worried that she hadn't gotten my message, so I didn't want to be late!
I waited for her for about 15 minutes.  We got to school and I realized it was Tuesday and that I would have 5 classes starting at 8.  I had mentally prepared for my typical break from 8-8:50.  Oh, well!
Teaching was fine.  My third class was cut majorly short due to a faculty meeting that had nothing to do with me (what's new, right?).  At that point, I got tired.  Recreo only made that worse.  I did find out, however, that there will be testing this week, so my four day week just got cut to a three/possible two day week!
I also realized that I'm almost on track for classes 1-3.  4/5th I'm not so sure.  6th I KNOW I'm way too far behind.  But they move on to middle school and a whole different book.  No worries.
Sandra had brought me some sweets from a town she visited over the break.  Always thinking of me.  I love that lady!
Guille took me home and I had planned on jumping in bed.  First, however, I had to email a list to Maribel.  Before I could do that, I had to type it.  After about 45 minutes of typing, I got it sent and then got caught chatting.  I hadn't been "online" with anyone in weeks, so I had missed it.  Guilty.  I really am turning Mexican!
After lunch, I finally got in bed for a two hour nap.  Now I'm ready for yoga.  I think after, I'm going to get coffee with Tania and the gang.  If not, I'm sure there will be some sort of action with my beach friends.  No(t enough) rest for the weary!

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