Thursday, July 9, 2009

Schooling and going out

After dinner (that included lots of broccoli and I was SO thankful!), Donna and I had planned on going out for a drink, but before we went, Alina had to put on a show for us.  You gotta give only children their creativity points!  
I had heard from Iván and he ended up telling me that a friend of his owned a bar very near the Theater close to the apartment.  I was hoping that connection would lead to a free drink, but it didn't...
But I met the guy, gave him Iván's best, and Donna and I had a great conversation.  I can't get into the details, but it was good.

We got back before midnight to talk to Tim about what we'd discussed.  They went to bed and I started the attempt to fit almost everything in its appropriate place.  Ha!  I didn't get to bed until about 2 am.  Since it was raining, I closed the window.  That was the answer to the problems.  I slept like a baby.  (Might have helped that I had a week of exhaustion built up!)

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