Thursday, July 9, 2009

4 hours

I didn't have as much trouble sleeping on the way back to Guadalajara.  I read some, ate their white bread pre-packaged ham and cheese sandwich (bleh!  but no time for anything else) and chugged the juice.  Before I knew it, I was in gloomy Guadalajara.
After I got off the bus, I got a coca light and some principe cookies to wake me up.  I sat down for a minute and called the two hotels for which I had numbers.  One was full.  The other one had space.  Off I went in a taxi.  The taxi driver was interested in why I was there, why I'd been in Culiacán of all places, etc, like almost all Mexicans upon realizing I'm a gringa, but a gringa with a better accent than most gringos.  The ride from the bus station to the hotel was at least twice the time as the ride from the hotel to the us station, but it was half the price.  Official taxis are such a rip off!
I got to the hotel, got myself organized and looked out the window in time to see lots of rain.  Awesome.  It was already 4:30, so I wasn't going to get a lot of site seeing done anyway.  Besides, I had all of Friday.  No worries.  I made my plan to leave for dinner, maybe get some pictures and get in bed early for all day Friday.

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