Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stressed Susan

If you know me at all, you know it doesn't take much to get me stressed. In the past week, I have lost housing for Yuri, made plans for DC, and shopped shopped shopped (which I never do) to get things done for Mexico. I'm justifying my 5 new dresses, by the way, with the rationale that I'll be cooler (temperature-wise; I'm always cool figuratively) in the HOT HOT Mexico in dresses. Just go with it. I think it's just my new binge for my stress. I'm not at Lockeland to snack on cookies in the teachers' lounge; dresses are the new cookies.
Thankfully, I have reduced my stress by buying, but also by my yoga. And this week, I talked to our fabulous ex-PTO president and he made me feel much better about the possibilities of housing in East Nashville. Lockeland has so many wonderful connections!
I also have managed my stress (actually, this probably in honesty is creating some of the stress) by taking it easy this summer. Backwards, I know. In the past two weeks, I have babysat a handful of times, tanned, shopped, yogaed, and napped. It's a pretty decent lifestyle. Someone should create the Endless Summer (Andy and PK- do you remember the time Ragle rented the documentary by that name one night at Dad's?!). I suppose that can be done by marrying rich. That's what grandmother always says, anyway.
But taking it easy has included hanging out with the teachers. It had only been 1.5 weeks since I'd seen these people (and only one week since I'd seen Megan), but when you're used to daily interaction, summer is hard. Okay, not hard. I know those of you with real jobs are rolling your eyes right now. At any rate, some of us got together last night for pizza at Mafiaoza's. See picture below: Me, Jennifer Minton (music), Megan (the other Senorita), and Jennifer Scruggs (first). Not pictured, Casey Bateman (resource) hiding behind the camera in her workout gear that was frustratingly cuter than us! Okay, we were pretty cute. Maybe just as cute as us.
I'm sure I'll have more frustrations soon, but I felt the need to post.
Happy Weekend everyone.


Anonymous said...

yea! i finally got a shout out!

The Hazlewoods said...

Laura, I found you through Whitney's blog. It's Kate Harris Hazlewood! How are you? I need to send an invite to you for our blog. I think I may have your email through Jenna. Random, but is that Jennifer Scruggs from Maryville? It looks like her but her hair is much longer than it used to be...I went to high school with her! Small world? Where do you teach! Tell her hello for me.
Hope you are doing well! We will be planning a baby shower at some point for baby Hartman...I will keep you posted!
Take care and talk to you soon!

Whitney said...

OK, so the dresses you bought to be cool, as in temperature wise:) are TOTALLY justified in my book! To me, being the less-hot you can be doesn't have a price-tag. I hope you can de-stress soon and yes, you may need to marry a rich man to acheive this lifestyle that we all long for. P.S. you crack me up!!