Okay, so I realize that any day longer than three hours would seem long to me at this point. Hardy har. But, Friday was a seriously long day. Let me count the ways...So Friday was our big English event. The teachers from the entire state were receiving diplomas from the TKT (Teacher Knowledge Test), which assesses their English knowledge as well as teaching pedagogy, etc. The one review session I went to was miserable. Anyway, since my student Diego was a minor star of the show, we had to be at the Museum (location of the event) early. Maribel and I met up with Diego at school at 8 am. Supposedly it was set to start at 11. Diego, his mom, his friend Francisco (who was accompanying him to keep him company, and whose sister works in the Inglés en Primaria office), Maribel and I boarded the bus for downtown. Diego's mom paid the 20 pesos for all of us to ride.
We got off the bus and Diego's mom went belt-shopping. Maribel told the boys that while she knew they were old enough, she was responsible for them and she didn't like being downtown. She grabbed their hands and we crossed several intersections. We arrived at the museum by 8:40. We were the firsts ones there. So early, in fact, that the janitor questioned us before letting us in!
We went in and scoped the place out. We waited on the other two kids (the emcees) to get there before we started practicing with Diego.
It was really boring for over an hour. In came some enlaces, people I have met time and again, but haven't hung out with much. Cecy and César were the two that were there for most of the time with me. Maribel filled them in on the living drama and they both of course said that I could be paying their whole rent twice over for what I was paying for a bedroom.
At some point early on, Maribel asked me if I needed a Diet Coke. I said not yet, so she told me to let her know when I did. Well, within an hour, I walked up to her with my wallet in hand and she said, "Ready for coca light?" and I responded, "Nope, I'm ready for chocolate!" She, Cecy and I walked up to the Oxxo to get our chocolate and caffeine fix. On the way back, we saw lots of people we knew. There were English teachers buzzing about everywhere considering they had the be there at 10:30. Around 10, we got word that the event would be postponed until 12. All the enlaces, however had their whispers about 12:30. There's nothing like waiting for four hours!
And wait we did. Unfortunately, Diego's mom had to leave for work at 12:15, so she missed it all. I got everything on video and plan on burning it either onto a DVD for her or else onto her USB. I also got some photos, but there was a music stand in the way, so mostly all you see is Diego's head.
Diego was fantastic. I must toot my own horn and pat myself on the back a little. It was easy teaching him because he's a willing learner, but my method was really good. Maribel suggested I help the two hosts with their parts (Bless their hearts; they practiced all day on Thursday and then on Friday they showed up and everything had been changed. Fortunately for them, the got to read, while my all star Diego had his part memorized.) since I had done such a good job with Diego. It was simple, really. I just broke it all down into word by word repetitions. Then we graduated to logical phrases with pauses within the sentences. Then I would have him repeat me with the whole sentence. When he came across a word that he didn't pronounce well, we would repeat it again word by word. After we got one sentence down, we would move to the next sentence, word by word/phrase by phrase/whole sentence, until he could say both sentences with a near-native accent and fluency by memory. I was really proud of him.
Finally at 12:15, César called us all to our seats. We sat. And waited.
The presentation was good. The two host children somehow pulled it off. And Diego was amazing! There was a man who went on and on (there's always one, right?) and the Secretary of Education, before the event was even over, was "suggesting" to his assistant Mayra that they get going. I wanted to tell him that he could wait five minutes until it was over if we could wait 2 hours for him!
After the event, Maribel had picked up her girls from school and one of her friends. She snuck away right after Diego. (He was impressive enough that some of the English teachers told Maribel that he spoke better than they did!) All five children piled in the back and Maribel and I chatted away up front on our way to lunch. Those invited were those who participated, and consequently those who knew about it. It was a free meal and it was good! It was a traditional Mexican plate with a tostito, gordita, and a taco. The dessert was a white cake with strawberry sauce.
I had more fun with Cecy, Maribel, and César. I also met a girl from Mochis, which is a town about 2 hours from here. She has applied for the Fulbright Exchange for next year and completed the interview in DF. I was excited to meet her and want to chat with her when she finds out she got it.
Ana Luisa told Maribel to let Rocio (the big boss) take Diego back home because she lived in the neighborhood. Maribel happily obliged. From there, we went to Maribel's house because she didn't want me to feel awkward in my own house until Alma could come and pick me up.
Around 5, Alma texted me saying since she had to work until 8 in Navolato (20 minutes away), that her friend Mayrita would come pick me up and move me. Oh, Mayrita. Bless her heart for not knowing what it means to move me!
Around 7, I got the call from Mayrita that she was on her way to Maribel's house and I let Maribel give her directions.
We headed back to Mabel's house and it was empty. Well, except for the new headboard, mattress, bedside tables and lamps she had bought for her room. Looks like my rent had come in handy.
We made a mad dash to get it all out. Really and truly bless Mayrita's heart. I had heavy bags. And at this point I'm not sure how I'll get everything back to the US! And I still have lots of traveling and buying to do! Anyway, we got that done and I went back in one more time to get my birthday card and decorations from Ashley and to leave money for the bills (and justification for the rent- Mabel seemed to think I still owed her money). Ashley had told me earlier in the week that while she was here, she had given Mabel a birthday card and decorations for me. Typically, when we were in Cozumel for my birthday, Ashley would go all out with piñatas and a cake and all kinds of streamers; she comes from one of those families where your birthday is the most important day of the year. This year, for her birthday, since I knew I wouldn't be there, I left decorations, a piñata and her gift with "the other Ashley" to give to her on her special day. (Toot toot-ing my own horn here!) Anyway, I returned into the house to get the card and decorations, and they were not there. Interesting.
Off we went and arrived at Alma's house, where her mom, also Alma (my friend Alma is typically called Almita) helped me carry everything up to my room and unload. The room was still being used as storage, but I didn't mind. I made myself at home rather quickly (and rather sweatily).
I sent Mabel a text at some point asking if she knew where Ashley's card was and if she did, could she please get it to Maribel or me somehow (Maribel is also her enlace, so she sees her on a regular basis). I continued unpacking until I heard my phone. Her response was, "Not until you pay me."
Wow. I tried again to explain that I had already paid all of February's rent around January 20 because that's how we dod it at home; we pay before the first of the month. She still wasn't getting it. So I dropped it. I wish I could have that card, but I'm going to have to live without it.
Alma got home around 8:30 and we both got showers and got ready for TWO parties.
The first one was for English enlaces (and their guests). Diana the singer was there, but was "resting her voice" for a wedding of a prominent family the next day (prominent as in the major department store throughout Mexico, not as in drug lords- at least I don't think!). Resting her voice meant singing only five songs instead of 25. Man can she sing. They decided at some point that we would go around the circle until all had sung karaoke. Neither the crowd nor I was drunk enough for me to sing karaoke, but after about 15 chants, I gave in. What was I thinking?!
Alma sang with me. We chose Walk Like an Egyptian. I think The Bangles were one of my all time favorite bands as a little kid. I have memories of singing either that song or Eternal Flame while at Honey's. And I can picture Stacy there. I'm guessing they were the ones who actually liked The Bangles.
Somehow we got applause.
From that party, we went to a birthday party (big shocker, right?) of a high school friend of Alma's. I had never seen a single person at this party. We were with Lenin (Alma's boyfriend), Cristian (Lenin's cousin), and Mayrita. We pretty much kept to ourselves. It was fun enough, but by 3, I was glad we were heading home.
See? Longest day ever!